IK3VUU Personal web site


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IK3VUU Personal web site



Welcome to my personal website which is dedicated to amateur radio. This site contains information about my personal activities related to traveling abroad and operating amateur radio and of special interest but also about my small radio projects and amateur radio in general. Further it provides links to other amateur radio related web sites from individuals and clubs or societies.
For your suggestions or comments please visit the guestbook or contact me directly via e-mail mauro@ik3vuu.it

Mauro - IK3VUU



Contest Club



The 9Radio Communication Centre starts on 2007 like a project made by a few radio amateur, where meet: history, experience and radio professionalism with new digital, technological and civil interests for radio communications.

All of that is possible by the availability of a powerful logistic support where, time by time, we implement external improved structures.

This web site is the report of our activities and experiences for everybody like radio communications and for those want collaborate with us.

So, welcome to all interested visitors who want exchange their experience, infos, datas, participate, learn, teach, buy, sell, meet us.











 Copyright © 2010 ik3vuu Personal Web Site. All Rights Reserved.



